Monday 21 March 2016

Ayurvedic Capsules

The basic healthy state of the body is decided by its physiological, mental and physical state of the body that is called an individual’s prakruti. Some people fall sick quickly and there are some who stay away from illnesses, for years and years. Staying away from medical disorders speaks of a strong immune system. The body needs to be full of vitality and energy at all times and this is possible only if the body stays disease free. A weak immunity means that a person shows an inclination to infections.

The moment the body is attacked by diseases the person rushes to a physician for help and comes back ladled with a bagful of conventional medicines and loads of side effects. Time and again these chemical-based medicines are used and the immune system keeps getting weaker and weaker. These medicines can create havoc in the body if they are taken over a long time. Physicians often administer stronger and extra doses to prove to the patient that they know their job well and this means infusing the body with chemicals and more chemicals.

Ayurvedic Capsules
Ayurvedic Capsules

Traditionally people did not have chemicals for treatment and they used the beneficial herbs available in nature to cure diseases and boost the immune system. Were they wrong in doing so and can a few plants cure illnesses? Definitely, and this has been proved by none other than Baba Ramdev who has prepared ayurvedic tablets, syrups , ayurvedic capsules, churnas etc in his pharmacies.

Plenty of people practice ayurveda in the market, but they need to be checked out for their authenticity if you want to get a relief from the disorder. The practioner cannot prescribe the ayurvedic remedy without having proper knowledge of herbs and without understanding the problem of the patient. A detailed investigation into the symptoms and the prakruti of a person has to be made before deciding on the medicinal herbs to be administered. Nature is full of the goodness of herbs and a practiced hand can make full use of this bundle of goodness.

In ayurvedic care, the patient is sure that whatever is being prescribed has been obtained from nature and it is not a product of the chemicals present in the laboratory. There is transparency in the treatment and mostly immune boosting herbs like amla, harad, triphala, ginger, garlic, lemon, tulsi, banapsha, mulethi, neem , turmeric etc are used .

These herbs are known to flush out toxins with their anti-oxidant benefits; they just have to be dried, powdered, and converted into syrup, powder or tablet to be administered for use to the patient. Chronic problems like joint pain, depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, constipation, piles, sexual dysfunction, diabetes, arthritis, gall bladder hassles, obesity, liver and stomach disorders etc can be dealt easily with the benefits of the ayurvedic medicines.

The medicines are given to the patient in a customized manner and the practioner may also advice a specific diet and some precautions to take while consuming the medicines. Give this natural therapy a try and boost up the immune system in a herbal way!

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