Monday, 28 March 2016

Ayurvedic Medicine

A hectic lifestyle and a competitive existence make one trudge aggressively to maintain a high standard of living, and this starts taking a toll on health. The ayurvedic remedy magic can help people keep a healthier lifestyle by keeping diseases at bay.  Traditional scriptures of India hold loads and loads of information, on the benefits of ayurvedic medicines. Since olden times our ancestors have been using ayurveda to keep bodies healthy and full of vitality and now conventional treatments also agree to the power of ayurveda.

Ayurvedic Medicine
Ayurvedic Medicine

Roots, bark, leaves, seeds, fruits, flowers etc from plants are used to prepare medicines in Ayurvedic treatments and these are very effective in management of different medical disorders. There are no side effects of these natural medicines and they are not harmful for the body organs in any manner. Rather when taken with regularity, they show therapeutic and curative advantages. The herbs and its products are dried till crisp and then they are crushed to be converted into different forms that can be easily ingested. The ayurvedic practitioners can then prescribe the combination of these natural herbs to treat different kinds of medical disorders.

Stress, competitive lifestyle, unhealthy food habits, and contaminants in nature have led to the development of many diseases, and have also affected the immune system. Ill health makes it a mammoth task to perform daily tasks and the fear of side effects makes us delay treatment for a long time. Why don’t you try the amazing natural treatment of ayurveda?

A frequent attack of diseases means that a person has a weak immune system. The immune system that is vulnerable to disease exposes a person to various illnesses, and the person starts to feel weakness and lack of energy in the body. The body does not stay healthy and fit and because of the lack of wellness, the basic psychological make-up of the body also gets disturbed.

The patient may start to feel depressed and sad and long to get the energy back. It’s time to try out the effective and helpful ayurvedic medicines and get the vigor back. You need to be sure that the medicines that you take have been prescribed by a registered medical practitioner and are from a pharmacy that has been registered with the authorities.

Proper authentic knowledge of ayurveda is a must before any kind of natural ayurvedic medicines are prescribed. They are safe but the correct medicine has to be ingested as only then will it treat a particular illness. The skilled practitioner needs to have a detailed conversation with the patient and record his symptoms.

On the basis of his ayurveda knowledge, the practitioner decides the remedies that need to be administered to the patient to improve his condition and relieve the symptoms. The body starts to load on anti-oxidants and starts to face fatigue because of contaminants and pollutants, and the only way to make it retain health is to take natural herbs like ginger, harad, neem, amla, tulsi etc which have antioxidant properties.

Monday, 21 March 2016

Ayurvedic Capsules

The basic healthy state of the body is decided by its physiological, mental and physical state of the body that is called an individual’s prakruti. Some people fall sick quickly and there are some who stay away from illnesses, for years and years. Staying away from medical disorders speaks of a strong immune system. The body needs to be full of vitality and energy at all times and this is possible only if the body stays disease free. A weak immunity means that a person shows an inclination to infections.

The moment the body is attacked by diseases the person rushes to a physician for help and comes back ladled with a bagful of conventional medicines and loads of side effects. Time and again these chemical-based medicines are used and the immune system keeps getting weaker and weaker. These medicines can create havoc in the body if they are taken over a long time. Physicians often administer stronger and extra doses to prove to the patient that they know their job well and this means infusing the body with chemicals and more chemicals.

Ayurvedic Capsules
Ayurvedic Capsules

Traditionally people did not have chemicals for treatment and they used the beneficial herbs available in nature to cure diseases and boost the immune system. Were they wrong in doing so and can a few plants cure illnesses? Definitely, and this has been proved by none other than Baba Ramdev who has prepared ayurvedic tablets, syrups , ayurvedic capsules, churnas etc in his pharmacies.

Plenty of people practice ayurveda in the market, but they need to be checked out for their authenticity if you want to get a relief from the disorder. The practioner cannot prescribe the ayurvedic remedy without having proper knowledge of herbs and without understanding the problem of the patient. A detailed investigation into the symptoms and the prakruti of a person has to be made before deciding on the medicinal herbs to be administered. Nature is full of the goodness of herbs and a practiced hand can make full use of this bundle of goodness.

In ayurvedic care, the patient is sure that whatever is being prescribed has been obtained from nature and it is not a product of the chemicals present in the laboratory. There is transparency in the treatment and mostly immune boosting herbs like amla, harad, triphala, ginger, garlic, lemon, tulsi, banapsha, mulethi, neem , turmeric etc are used .

These herbs are known to flush out toxins with their anti-oxidant benefits; they just have to be dried, powdered, and converted into syrup, powder or tablet to be administered for use to the patient. Chronic problems like joint pain, depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, constipation, piles, sexual dysfunction, diabetes, arthritis, gall bladder hassles, obesity, liver and stomach disorders etc can be dealt easily with the benefits of the ayurvedic medicines.

The medicines are given to the patient in a customized manner and the practioner may also advice a specific diet and some precautions to take while consuming the medicines. Give this natural therapy a try and boost up the immune system in a herbal way!

Monday, 7 March 2016

Ayurvedic Medicines For Diabetes And Their Benefits

Proper level of insulin is a must for all of us. However some people are affected with uncontrolled insulin that may generally lead to diabetes and create health issues. Diabetes must be addressed with proper medicines. People taking the conventional medicines may sometimes suffer from adverse impacts. That’s why people take ayurvedic medicines that are prepared with herbal ingredients that are mixed in apt proportions.

Certain medicines are prepared for treating diabetes by following the ayurvedic principles in strict manners. Strict checks are exercised at the required levels to maintain the quality of these products. These ayurvedic medicines benefit the users as under:

a. Proper diagnosis Medicines like the diabetes package offered by the Yoga Guru are prepared by diagnosing the problem in positive manners. The root causes of the problem are found out to ascertain the exact factors that are responsible for the disease. It helps in coming at the right solution and the apt medicine for the disease. Baba Ram Dev Ji has made elaborate arrangements for making the diabetes package for the benefit of the users.

Ayurvedic medicines for diabetes

b. No side effects – This is the major benefit of the ayurvedic medicines for diabetes that are prepared by following the ayurvedic principles. No harmful or toxic substances are added in these medicines that are free from any risks to the human health. Those taking the ayurvedic medicines are at zero risk.

c. Strengthen the immune system – Ayurvedic medicines for diabetes help to empower the immune system in a big way. Those suffering from diabetes are able to fight this disease and other problems with greater strength. Diabetic symptoms are killed by using the ayurvedic medicines in even manners.

d. Detoxification – Those taking the ayurvedic medicines are benefited as their physique is cleansed and freed from the toxins and harmful elements. It is good for the entire body that gets cleared from any adverse impacts. Medicines including Divya Shilajit Vati and Divya Madhunashini Vati offered by Baba Ram Dev Ji help the users as their bodies are freed from harmful substances. This is the major benefit of the ayurvedic medicines. 

e. Improve circulation of blood – Ayurvedic medicines for diabetes help in improving the flow of blood to various parts of the body. It starts functioning in even manners as the blood helps in rejuvenating the entire physique. Those taking ayurvedic medicines for diabetes are able to get rid of blood problems.

f. Enrichment with minerals –
Persons taking ayurvedic medicines are enriched with minerals and vitamins in their bodies. The ayurvedic medicines contain rich contents of nutrients that are a must for all. As such the bodies of the patients that ayurvedic medicines are filled with strength and vigour.

g. Rejuvenation –
The ayurvedic medicines help the patients to get refreshed and rejuvenated. Those taking these medicines are helped in the shape of strength, vigour, refreshment and youthfulness. Problems like premature aging and other ill effects are got rid of with the ayurvedic medicines for diabetes. People taking these medicines look younger than their actual ages.