Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Kill The Psoriasis Symptoms With Ayurvedic Treatment Plan

Generally, most psoriasis patients prefer taking the prescription drugs or medicines so as to soothe down the irritation and itching caused due to this irritable skin disease. It is because allopathic medicines act fast on the human body and help in getting rid of symptoms of any disease or disorder quickly. Same is equally applicable for psoriasis as well. But it is also true that allopathic medicines may show only short-term outcomes. At the same time, these produce certain side-effects as well on various parts or organs of the human body. In contrast to this, ayurvedic treatments aim at offering long lasting and effective relief from psoriasis. Also it is free of any side-effects or harmful effects on the body.

Ayurvedic Treatment Of Psoriasis

Psoriasis treatment through ayurvedic approach

The ayurvedic approach towards treatment of psoriasis and such other skin conditions is to eradicate the disease along with its symptoms from its root cause. Chiefly, Panchkarma treatment plan is used under ayurvedic medicine system for psoriasis treatment. It involves certain changes in the diet and also use of some specific remedies so as to benefit the patient.

What is Panchkarma therapy for psoriasis?

Under Panchkarma therapy of ayurvedic treatment of psoriasis, the patient has to pass through various stages as mentioned below. 

The patient is made to consume medicated ghee which is generally a form of clarified butter. Then the patient is made to purge and vomit out the things consumed by him/her. It aids in removal of all toxins from the body. The patient’s head is then dripped with medicated buttermilk. A paste of medicines and mud is used to cover the entire body of the patient for external healing. Medicated enemas are also used to keep on detoxifying the body side by side. The patient has to undergo this treatment devotedly till he/she gets completely recovered from the disease. It is really an effective treatment option that aids in relieving all the symptoms of psoriasis without causing any harm to the patient’s body in any ways.

Herbal remedies recommended by ayurveda for psoriasis treatment 

There are some specific remedies that involve use of some herbs or herbal ingredients to treat and prevent psoriasis. The major remedies are as given below. 

Jasmine flowers - To get rid of itching, inflammation and other discomforts caused due to psoriasis, a paste of jasmine flowers may be prepared and applied on the affected skin areas.

Black nightshade juice - It helps in reducing and eliminating inflammation from the skin.

Garlic - The anti-inflammatory properties contained in garlic help in getting rid of any irritation and inflammation on the affected skin areas.

Onions - These may be consumed to purify the blood internally. This in turn aids in offering great relief from psoriasis symptoms automatically.

Neem - It is one among the best known remedies in ayurvedic medicine system for treatment of any of the skin diseases such as psoriasis. Neem is known for its enhancing effect on the immune system. Also it helps in purification of the blood so that the skin cells may be saved against any harm that may be caused due to autoimmune action. 

Ayurvedic treatment of psoriasis is a holistic approach towards management of this skin disease. It may be used under the supervision of a medical practitioner to have the relevant benefits. 

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Controlling Blood Sugar With Ayurvedic Medicines

Diabetes, the dreadful disease is the result of imbalanced use or production of insulin. Extra weight, wrong living styles, poor diets and lack of vitamins and other nutrients in our diets often lead to diabetes that is quite common amongst large numbers of patients across the globe. Those affected with this disorder are seen with weakness, increased thirst/appetite and reduced eye vision. Use of certain traditional medicines for this disorder may not be much fruitful. It is the ayurvedic system of medicines that believes in finding out the root causes of various diseases and introduces the relevant effective medicines.

Diabetes Ayurvedic Treatment

Prepared by mixing the organic ingredients, all the ayurvedic formulations are greatly helpful in giving wonderful results to the users. They are at zero risk while few of the traditional treatments may put side effects. Diabetes ayurvedic treatment works wonders in giving excellent results to the patients.

Ayurvedic medicines for diabetes that work wonders for the diabetic patients: Following are few of the effective medicines that give excellent results.

Diabetes Package – This is an excellent package for diabetic patients that are greatly benefited with its use. Introduced by Swami Ram Dev, this package contains organic ingredients that are free from any harmful components. No side effects are reported with even use of this package that is helpful in controlling the levels of blood sugar in reliable manners. Those suffering from the ill effects of diabetes, i.e. tiredness, increased thirst or frequent urination must try this package. It helps in energizing the muscles in a big way.

Divya Silajit Vati – Considered as one of the best formulations by Swami Ram Dev, this Vati acts like a strong booster. No harmful components or toxic substances are mixed in this Vati that is free from any side effects. Made with Silajit as the major ingredient, this medicine is able to manage blood sugar to great extent. Those taking this Vati in regular manners are greatly benefited.

Divya Madhunashini / Divya Madhukalp Vati - These two gifts by Swami Ram Dev are available in the form of pills. Both these medicines contain the herbal ingredients that are mixed well. Strict safety checks, good manufacturing practices and ayurvedic principles are strictly followed to make these medicines. The patients are enabled to control the level of blood sugar without being affected in any adverse manners. This diabetes ayurvedic treatment does not involve any adverse effects upon our health. No complications are involved with its use. Rich contents of Amrita, Ativisha (pungent variety), Babbula fruit, Ashwagandha, Bilva, Go-kshura, Gudamara, Haridra, Jambu (black berry), Katuki, Kirata Tiktaka (Chirayata), Karavellaka (bitter gourd), Kutaja, Karcura, Kala-megha, Krishna Jiraka, Nimba, Triphala (including Haritaki, Bibhitaki & Amalakl) and Roots of Shilajatu / Methika in these diabetic medicines help the patients in great manners. They are at no risk while few of the conventional medicines may put side effects.

Patients suffering from diabetes must avoid excessive intake of alcohol, caffeine and stay away from junk foods. Taking sufficient water and fiber-rich foods are also quite beneficial for the diabetic patients that must take green leafy vegetables.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

The Multipurpose Medicine By Ram Dev

Nobody on this earth can claim to be free from diseases. We all are victims of different ailments that take us into their fold at one time or the other. Most of the patients usually make use of over-the-counter medicines few of which often result in adverse impacts. This is the reason that many sufferers prefer to switch over to the ayurvedic system of medicines that focuses on finding the root causes of diseases and eliminating them, followed by their apt solutions. Swami Ram Dev has also taken the initiative of facilitating suitable medicines.

Swami Ramdev Medicine
Swami Ramdev medicine works wonders in giving quick and permanent relief from the relevant diseases. The Yoga Guru has focused his attention on the welfare of the masses and not on individual gains. As such he has established Divya Pharmacy and Patanjali Yogapeeth in India with its branches throughout the world. Various medicines are facilitated to the sufferers that are treated well by getting the same through these two renowned set-ups since run by Baba Ram Dev.

It is worth mentioning that the Yoga Guru takes all possible steps to ensure that the medicines facilitated through the above institutions are safe in all respects. He sees that only the organic ingredients are mixed in making of these medicines. No harmful chemicals or other disease-causing substances are ever added to these formulations that are free from any damaging components. No risk or complications are involved in these medications since gifted by the world famous Yoga Guru.

Different medicines by Swami Ram Dev – Hundreds of effective ayurvedic treatments are provided through Divya Pharmacy and Patanjali Yogapeeth. Few of them are highlighted as under: 

Divya Amla Churna – It is one of the best powdered formulations that not only treat indigestion but also strengthen the digestive tract. Those making its regular use are able to enhance their appetite by digesting the food in easy ways, get strengthened and rejuvenated in great manners. It helps to detoxify the body.

Divya Arshkalp Vati for Piles – This is the excellent Swami Ramdev medicine that helps to say NO to inflammation and painful sensations in the anal region. 

Divya Ajmodadi Churna – Those suffering from arthritis must try this Churna that provides quick and permanent relief from painful sensations in the joints. Swelling, inflammation and redness are also got rid of with this Churna that acts like a strong healer. Those suffering from difficult movements must try it. 

Divya Arjua Kwath for heart health – Thousands of heart patients make use of this Kwath that helps to strengthen human heart. Recurrent heart attacks can be prevented by using this medicine in regular manners. Patients affected with high blood pressure and weakened heart must try it. It is helpful to purify our blood and also improve its circulation. Human heart starts functioning in efficient manners if the patients use it regularly.

With a focus on the mankind’s welfare; the Yoga Guru has fixed very reasonable rates for Swami Ramdev Medicine. It is easily available and can be delivered at your doorsteps without any extra charges.