Psoriasis may be defined as a non-infectious inflammatory disease that affects our skin. Those suffering from this disorder are seen with plaques with large silvery scales. They complain of severe itching and dryness of the skin. The North Americans and Europeans fall more victims to this disease.
Mental stress, excessive sunlight and other causes may affect the patients with psoriasis. The disease may aggravate due to certain drugs. People taking the conventional medicines for this disease may get affected with side effects. That’s why the Ayurvedic Treatments are becoming more and more popular.
Ayurvedic Treatments Of Psoriasis |
Ayurvedic System of Medicine recommends the following treatments to say NO to psoriasis:
a. Fish oil – Rich contents of omega-3 fatty acids in this oil work wonders in reducing inflammation that is associated with this disease. A dose of approx three grams of fish oil is recommended for giving good results.
b. Aloe Vera – This is another effective ayurvedic treatment to cure the disease. Aloe extract cream made with the aloe vera leaves helps in getting enough relief. It is useful in reducing itching, redness and inflammation. Regular use of aloe extract cream works wonders. The skin becomes fresh and smooth.
c. Oregon grape – Popular as barberry, these grapes may be used for topical applications. Psoriasis symptoms and inflammation are reduced to great extent with these grapes.
d. Excessive exposure to sun should be avoided as it is the major cause of psoriasis.
e. People in the habit of excessive smoking should quit the habit as tobacco is much harmful for our skin. It aggravates the problem to great extent.
f. It is wise to avoid taking stress as it is also one of the major reasons of psoriasis. The disease gets worsened due to stress that aggravates it in a big way.
g. Any injury to the skin must be got treated soon otherwise it may result in psoriasis. Likewise infections should also be controlled in even manners.
h. Alcohol is also behind this disease. Its excessive intake should be avoided by the patients.
i. Ayurveda recommends daily baths. It helps in removing the scales and calms the inflamed skin. Adding Dead Sea or Epsom Salt, colloidal oatmeal etc to the bathing water is good. Harsh soaps and hot water may be avoided. Using lukewarm water and mild soaps is good for the patients.
j. Making use of moisturizers is good for the patients that suffer from psoriasis. Oils may be massaged on the dry skin that is prevented from this disease. Using the moisturizers many times a day during the winter seasons works wonders.
k. Do not expose your skin to excessive amounts of sun rays. Too much sun may aggravate the problem and worsen the disease. Doctor may be consulted before going for any sunbathing programs.
l. Use of sunscreen in gentle manners is good for the patients that suffer from psoriasis and its ill effects.
m. Taking plenty of water in a day is good as it helps to remove the toxins.
Sticking to the above ayurvedic treatments is good for the patients that suffer from psoriasis.